Skin care 2

Chung van Gog, 22 January 2023

In the previous installment we focused on oils.

Here are two more secret ingredients for great skin.

Mystery Ingredient 1

Ever heard of titanium dioxide?

The first ingredient costs about 100 euros/liter (but prices vary).

It’s sunscreen.

Sunscreen helps against dangerous UV radiation.

You cannot see or feel it, but the UV radiation is there regardless!

If applied regularly, it will prevent wrinkles and photoageing (at least for White people)

Just make sure your sunscreen:

  • Is only based on Zinc Oxide and Titanium Dioxide. No other chemicals are known to be safe and effective.
  • Is at least SPF 30.

And make sure

  • You compensate the lowered Vitamin D intake from the Sun

Mystery Ingredient 2

Oxidane, if you want to sound fancy.

The second ingredient costs about 0.001 euros/liter.


Drink plenty throughout the day and your skin will thank you.