Spelling Alphabets
C. van Gog, 18 September 2022
The NATO phonetic alphabet is okay. But boring after a while. So here are some alternatives.
Most frequent words in OED
And Be Can Do Even For Go Have In Just Know Life Much Not Of Person Question Result Say The Use Very With X (v.) You Zone
Most frequent words in OED (nouns only edition)
Area Book Child Day Example Form Group Hand Information Job Kind Life Man Number Order Person Question Result System Time Use Value Way X-ray Year Zone
The most obscure obsolete OED words related to plants
Aetheogam Bybbey Consound Dragonwort Eupatory Fryberry Grysomyle Haemony Interarboration Juniperine Kernelling Lymphaeduct Musculosity Nosesmart Omphacine Polytrichon Quash Resudation Superbience Turquin Unguicle Vanell Withbind Xylocinnamon Yeke Zizany
Story by ChatGPT
As the sun set over the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow over the fields, a light breeze blew through the aetheogam plants, causing their delicate, purple flowers to sway gently. Nearby, a group of children played, laughing and chasing each other through the bybbey bushes, their small hands grasping for the juicy, orange fruit that grew there. But as the evening wore on, a sense of unease settled over the land, as if the very consound of nature were off-kilter. For in the distance, a dark shape could be seen moving across the fields, its ominous presence causing the dragonwort plants to wilt and die. Fearful, the villagers huddled in their homes, hoping that the eupatory winds would carry the creature away. But as the night wore on, the fryberry bushes began to shake and tremble, as if something were moving beneath the earth. And then, with a mighty roar, the grysomyle burst forth, its massive, dragon-like form causing the haemony trees to bend and snap under the weight of its passing. Terrified, the villagers fled, their screams echoing through the interarboration of the forest. But even as they ran, they knew that there was no escape from the juniperine fate that awaited them. For in the end, all would succumb to the kernelling power of the lymphaeduct, their musculosity turned to dust and ash. And as the flames of the creature’s wrath burned bright, consuming everything in its path, the people could only watch in horror as their homes and fields were reduced to rubble. And as the creature approached, its eyes glowing with a malevolent light, the villagers knew that their nosesmart instincts had been correct all along. For there was no hope of defeating the omphacine beast, its polytrichon body immune to all attacks. In desperation, they turned to the quash of magic, hoping to banish the creature back to the depths from whence it came. But even as they spoke the ancient words, they knew that it was too late. For the resudation of the land had already begun, the superbience of the forest drained away by the creature’s insatiable hunger. And as the last of the turquin trees fell, the villagers realized that their unguicle fate was sealed. For there was no vanell from the withbind of the monster, no xylocinnamon that could save them now. And as the yeke of the beast filled the air, they knew that their time on this earth was at an end, their lives consumed by the insatiable zizany of the creature’s hunger.
Obscure and beautiful words by ChatGPT
Apsis Brume Celestite Diorite Echelon Fervid Galena Halcyon Idoneous Joviality Kinetoscope Lemniscate Maelstrom Nefarious Obsequy Paean Quincunx Rictus Sallow Tenebrous Utopia Vatic Wistaria Xystos Yodel Zephyr
ChatGPT even wrote a story with these words.
As the sun set over the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow over the apsis of the temple, a thin layer of brume settled over the landscape, casting an ethereal spell on the celestite crystals that dotted the ground, while the rough, dark diorite walls loomed in the distance, seeming to stretch on forever in orderly echelon. Within the temple, a fervid energy filled the air, as if the very galena walls were alive with some ancient, unseen force. And yet, despite the tumultuous maelstrom of activity, there was a sense of halcyon peace, as if all those present were united in a single, idoneous purpose. The atmosphere was one of joviality, as people laughed and joked, their joy amplified by the warm light of the kinetoscope. And as the evening wore on, the lemniscate of conversation flowed smoothly, as people discussed everything from the nefarious deeds of the local politicians to the beauty of the distant utopia they all dreamed of one day reaching. Yet even as the paean to their beloved homeland reached its crescendo, the quincunx of fate seemed to shift, as a sudden rictus of pain crossed the face of the leader. Sallow and pale, he collapsed to the ground, his tenebrous fate now sealed. In that moment, the vatic prophecy of the elders was fulfilled, and a hush fell over the crowd, as if the very wistaria vines that wound about the columns were holding their breath. And in the silence, the xystos of the temple seemed to vibrate with some unseen force, as if the yodel of the ancestors were echoing through the halls. And then, as if on some unseen cue, the people began to sing, their voices lifting in a joyful zephyr of sound, as if to banish the darkness forever.
Climate Change.
Nicole Kelner’s ABCs of Climate Change