A New Notation for Chess

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Chung van Gog, 17 July 2022

The algebraic notation (AN) has been with us for a long time. So time to shake things up and invent a new notation! Let’s call it minimalist notation (MN), because it’s concise without sacrificing clarity. As a bonus, I will also introduce codon notation (CN).

Now, since these writings are cuboids, I will not detail MN and CN like they would be explained in a detailed blog post. Instead, I will share a game in both notations and let you infer the precise rules.

Minimalist Notation

   dd	dd
   cc	×
   ee	h?
   ×c	a
   Qf?!	f??
   Q+!	g
   f+	Ke
   Be+	c
   d+	d
   e+!	b5
   c+	b
   a+	b
   ge	c2
   N+	×
   Na+	×
   d	B×
   Q×e6	cc

Check your understanding

Why are there gaps? How would we write this game in AN? Which symbols must always be displayed if applicable? What is the difference between ‘d’ and ‘dd’? Can we have ‘d’ without pawns? What about ‘dd’? What does ‘ge’ mean? Why can’t ‘Qxe6’ be shortened? Can you write one of your own games in MN?

Codon Notation


Check your understanding

Do we ever use numbers? What about spaces? How can we tell whose move it is? Why are the colors useful? Which letter symbolizes promotion? How would we denote promotion to a bishop? What is a natural notation for double check? And for long castling? Does this change if castling short is also possible in that position? How do we denote capturing en passant? What does it mean for a notation to be more square-centric than piece-centric? Can you write one of your own games in CN?