Begin Green Politics in Europe
Chung van Gog, 28 April 2022
Not voting for populists is crucial, but nog enough. With the sole exception of world war, no political issue is as important as climate change. It is now or never.
We need (many varieties of) green politics to become the dominant form in our democracies, as influential as social democracy and liberalism once were, replacing unregulated capitalism. That most Green parties lean left is entirely besides the point. Yours truly has not voted on a left-wing party before but will nevertheless vote green in the next election.
Wealth distribution is orders of magnitude less important than the unfolding climate disaster scientists are warning for. That climate change has been politicized is as grave a crime as the politization of slavery in the 19th century United States. All should unite against climate change and its siblings, biodiversity loss, and the pandemicene, just like everyone should unconditionally oppose slavery.
Here is a list of major Green parties to vote for. Of course voting for a small green party is perfectly acceptable as well.
- DE Bündnis 90/Die Grünen
- FR Europe Écologie Les Verts
- GB Green Party of England and Wales
- IT Europa Verde
- ES Verdes Equo
- PL Partia Zieloni
- RO Partidul Verde
- NL GroenLinks
- BE Groen & Ecolo
- GR Οικολόγοι Πράσινοι
- CZ Strana zelených
- SE Miljöpartiet de gröna
- PT Partido Ecologista “Os Verdes”
- HU LMP – Magyarország Zöld Pártja
- AT Die Grünen – Die Grüne Alternative
- CH GRÜNE Schweiz
- BG Зелена партия
- RS Зелени Србије
- DK Frie Grønne – Danmarks nye venstrefløjsparti
- FI Vihreä liitto
- SK Strana zelených
- NO Miljøpartiet De Grønne
- IE Comhaontas Glas
- HR Zelena alternativa - Održivi razvoj Hrvatske
- BA Zeleni Bosne i Hercegovine
- LT Latvijas Zaļā partija
- MD Partidul Verde Ecologist
- SI Andrej Čuš in Zeleni Slovenije
- MK Демократска унија за интеграција
- LV Latvijas Zaļā partija
- EE Erakond Eestimaa Rohelised
- CY Κίνημα Οικολόγων – Συνεργασία Πολιτών
- ME Грађански покрет Уједињена реформска акција
- LI Freie Liste