From Ashera's Perspective

Chung van Gog, 16 September 2022

Let’s analyze chess from Ashera’s perspective. Ashera is the ex-wife of God and is very smart.

There are three kinds of positions: Up (there is a forced win for White), Flat (drawn), and Down (there is a forced win for Black). Within these categories, there are the following kinds of moves. In Up, the move that wins quickest is indicated with (!). Other winning moves are clumsy since they are slower, and get (?!). However, Ashera has always liked how Yahweh made the lions occassionally play with their prey before finally killing them. So the slowest forced win gets a (!?). Descending to Flat earns a (?) and to Down (??). In Flat, there are no good moves: at most a move can get (!?) for delaying the draw for as long as possible, or (?) for descending. In Down, there are no good moves either. Succumbing to mate quicker than needed earns a (?!). But there is one strategy that Ashera does like: getting mated as quickly as possible if the opponent tries to mate as slowly as possible. Those moves earn a (!?). Of course resigning is disallowed in Heaven…